SW 취업공지
Praxair Korea 채용공고
- 10.10.01 / 박초원
With 27,000 employees and operations in more than 30 countries, Praxair is focused on helping our customers become more profitable, efficient and environmentally friendly.
With 2008 sales of $10.8 billion, Praxair, Inc. (NYSE:PX) is a global, Fortune 300 company that supplies atmospheric, process and specialty gases, high-performance coatings, and related services and technologies to a wide diversity of customers.
Over the century of its existence, Praxair has led in the development of processes and technologies that have revolutionized the industrial gases industry. Praxair serves a wide range of industries: aerospace, food and beverages, healthcare, semiconductors, chemicals, refining, oil and gas production, primary metals and metal fabrication, as well as other areas of general industry.
With 2008 sales of ₩183 billion (Current Net Income:₩34 billion), Praxair Korea is the first global leading industrial gases company in Korea to commercially produce and market industrial gases with large scale liquid air separation plants in Changwon, Giheung, Yeosoo and Asan. Praxair Korea as an integrated gas and service supplier manufactures, sells and distributes various kinds of industrial gases and services to fundamental industries and state-of-art-technology industries such as metal fabrication, iron/steel, petrochemicals, semiconductors, food and beverage, medical, etc
Job Description
- ERP(Oracle Enterprise One) System 운영및 개발- 회사 전산 시스템 유지 보수 업무- IT trouble shooting and user support Job Requirement
- Degree majoring in Computer Engineering/ Computer Science /IT
- Good written and spoken English and Korean (TOEIC 700)
- Action Oriented
- Peer Relationship
- Process Management
- Problem Solving
- Written/Oral Communication
Additional Information
- 커리어수준 : 학생/신입 (경력의 경우 경력 3년 이내)
- 급여사항 : 2600~2800 (신입은 인턴 후 정규직 전환이며, 경력의 경우는 년수에 따라 다름)
- 고용형태 : 정규직
Guidelines for Applicants
- 전형방법:
Application screening
1'st interview (By HR Manager & Each Department Manager)
2'nd interview (By HR Director & President)
- 제출서류:
국영문 자기소개서 및 이력서 (Praxair Korea 의 입사지원서 양식을 첨부)
All documents should be made by MS-Program.
(각종 증빙서류는 서류전형합격자에 한해 추후제출)
- 접수방법 : 이메일
이메일: 인사담당자,남지은. jieun_nam@praxair.com
Praxair Korea 채용공고 | |||||
작성일 | 10.10.01 | 구분 | 취업 | 작성자 | 박초원 |
첨부파일 | 입사지원서.doc (103.0 KB) | 조회수 | 4634 | ||
게시물 내용회사소개
With 27,000 employees and operations in more than 30 countries, Praxair is focused on helping our customers become more profitable, efficient and environmentally friendly. With 2008 sales of $10.8 billion, Praxair, Inc. (NYSE:PX) is a global, Fortune 300 company that supplies atmospheric, process and specialty gases, high-performance coatings, and related services and technologies to a wide diversity of customers. Over the century of its existence, Praxair has led in the development of processes and technologies that have revolutionized the industrial gases industry. Praxair serves a wide range of industries: aerospace, food and beverages, healthcare, semiconductors, chemicals, refining, oil and gas production, primary metals and metal fabrication, as well as other areas of general industry. With 2008 sales of ₩183 billion (Current Net Income:₩34 billion), Praxair Korea is the first global leading industrial gases company in Korea to commercially produce and market industrial gases with large scale liquid air separation plants in Changwon, Giheung, Yeosoo and Asan. Praxair Korea as an integrated gas and service supplier manufactures, sells and distributes various kinds of industrial gases and services to fundamental industries and state-of-art-technology industries such as metal fabrication, iron/steel, petrochemicals, semiconductors, food and beverage, medical, etc Job Description