SW 특강 및 행사

컴퓨터공학부 세미나 안내(9/7)

  • 12.09.05 / 전보배
컴퓨터공학부 세미나

일시: 2012년 9월 7일(금) 오전 10시
장소: 7호관 629호 (대학원세미나실)

Prof. Nikil Dutt
Center for Embedded Computer Systems,
Department of Computer Science,
University of California, Irvine, USA

제목: Taming and Exploiting Unreliable Embedded Memories
While designers have traditionally dealt with unreliable embedded memories
through standard fault-tolerant techniques in the past, aggressive technology
scaling and low-voltage operation (to save power) pose significant reliability
challenges for distributed embedded memories. In this talk, I will first survey
a series of hardware and software schemes that both ameliorate poor
and exploit unreliable embedded memories through hardware and software
mechanisms in order to achieve a low-power, fault-tolerant memory space,
and keep production yield at tolerable levels. I will outline
techniques such as
voltage scaling, block re-mapping, and device signatures to deal with process
variations and reduce power consumption. Then I will explore the
of various schemes and motivate the need for, and present Embedded
Raids-on-Chip (E-RoC) and SPMVisor, a holistic hardware/software strategy that
virtualizes the user memory space and exploits unreliable distributed embedded
memories for reduced power consumption, improved performance, better
and enhanced security. The talk concludes with thoughts on how to manage
distributed on-chip memories for scalable many-core architectures.