SW 특강 및 행사

연사초청 세미나 알림

  • 11.04.01 / 전보배

제목: "Accelerating applications with CUDA on GPUs and beyond"

연사이영민 교수 (서울시립대학교)


Abstract: The talk will address the recently introduced parallel programming model, CUDA (Compute Unified Device Architecture) and focus on how to efficiently map the applications to the underlying GPUs with CUDA. Through case studies, we will discuss design choices in mapping CUDA threads, performing synchronizations, utilizing GPU specific memories. Then, we will go through some research projects on how to design and implement efficient CUDA applications productively.


시간:  2011년 4 5화요일, 10:40-11:40

장소: 과학관 223호 



2010~pressent: Assistant Professor, ECE, University of Seoul

2007-2009: Postdoctoral researcher, EECS, University of California at Berkeley

2007: Ph.D. in EECS, Seoul National University

2000: B.S. in Computer Engineering, Seoul National University