SW 학사공지

4차산업 미래기술 연사초빙 온라인 강연(2주차) 안내

  • 20.09.10 / 정원주

1. 연사: SKT_오영석 박사


2. 일정: 9월 11일 금요일, 오후 2시~3시


3. 강연 주제: SKT 미래 인공지능 기술


4. 강연 링크: https://kookmin.zoom.us/j/95502303727 


5. 강사 소개: Dr. Youngseok Oh (SK Telecom)

Dr. Youngseok Oh is a manager of the Tech Innovation Group at SK Telecom, the number
one mobile network operator in South Korea. His areas of interest include 5G, AI, and
technology-based innovation and service development.
Having been at SK Telecom since 2012, Dr. Oh has had a variety of roles in nearly 10
years including managing R&D strategy and successfully commercialization of various
Wi-Fi networks and wireless backhaul. He is credited with helping SK Telecom to become
the world’s first company to win the wireless broadband alliance (WBA) award for 7
consecutive years in the global Wi-Fi sector. Recently, he has actively contributed to
technology based service development. Dr. Oh holds the Ph.D. degree from the Korea
Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Daejeon, Korea.




